Past Date

Format DateTime

Default: Jan 1 1970

With time: Jan 1 1970

No title attribute: Jan 1 1970

Customised options: Jan 1 1970

Format Relative

Default: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Fixed to future tense: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Format Duration

Default: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Month precision: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Fixed to future tense: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Future Date

Format DateTime

Default: Jan 1 2023

With time: Jan 1 2023

Customised options: Jan 1 2023

Format Relative

Default: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Fixed to past tense: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Format Duration

Default: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Month precision: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Fixed to future tense: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Dynamic Formats

Nearby, dynamic, relative time: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Nearby, dynamic, relative time: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Nearby, dynamic, relative time: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

How long you've been on this page Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Countdown timer until 2038 bug: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Localised Dates

Localised to Polish: Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Localised to Hebrew with Format=DateTime Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.

Localised to French with Format=Duration Oops! This browser doesn't support Web Components.