Solid Buttons
Outline Buttons
White Button
Large Buttons
Other Buttons
Adding the class .btn
will create a standard gray button. The below mixin updates this button by adding some padding and custom colors.
// Create color variations of our `.btn`
@mixin btn-solid ( $color ) {
color : $white ;
background-color : $color ;
background-image : linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .25 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ));
border-color : $color ;
text-shadow : 0 -1px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .15 );
& :hover ,
& :active {
border-color : $color ;
background-color : $color ;
background-image : linear-gradient ( rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .1 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .05 ));
.btn-purple { @include btn-solid ( $purple );}
.btn-blue { @include btn-solid ( $blue );}
.btn-orange { @include btn-solid ( $orange );}
.btn-themed { @include btn-solid ( $theme-color );}
Standard Button
Theme Color Button
Purple Button
Orange Button
Blue Button
Disabled Button
<button class= "btn btn-themed" type= "button" > Theme Color Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-purple" type= "button" > Purple Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-orange" type= "button" > Orange Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-blue" type= "button" > Blue Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-gray" type= "button" > Gray Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-themed" type= "button" disabled > Disabled Button</button>
This button has the same styles as the outline button style from Primer, but Basecoat includes a mixin that will generate the button for you. You can create button styles of any color using this mixin.
// Create color variations of our `.btn-outline`
@mixin btn-outline-theme ( $color , $bg : $theme-color ) {
color : $color ;
border-color : $color ;
border-radius : .25em ;
& :hover ,
& :active {
@if ( lightness ( $color ) > 50 ) {
color : $theme-color ;
} @else {
color : #fff ;
background-color : $color ;
border-color : $color ;
.btn-outline-purple { @include btn-outline-theme ( $purple );}
.btn-outline-blue { @include btn-outline-theme ( $blue );}
.btn-outline-orange { @include btn-outline-theme ( $orange );}
.btn-outline-white { @include btn-outline-theme ( $white );}
.btn-outline-themed { @include btn-outline-theme ( $theme-color );}
Base Outline Button
Theme Color Outline Button
Purple Outline Button
Orange Outline Button
Blue Outline Button
Disabled Outline Button
<button class= "btn btn-outline" type= "button" > Base Outline Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-themed" type= "button" > Theme Color Outline Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-purple" type= "button" > Purple Outline Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-orange" type= "button" > Orange Outline Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-blue" type= "button" > Blue Outline Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline-themed" type= "button" disabled > Disabled Themed Outline Button</button>
This button style should only be used on backgrounds colors or images that are dark enough to have white text accessible on them.
White Button
<button class= "btn btn-outline-white" type= "button" > White Button</button>
If you want to make a button bigger, you can use .btn-lg
Large Default Button
Large Outline Button
<button class= "btn btn-lg" type= "button" > Large Default Button</button>
<button class= "btn btn-outline btn-lg" type= "button" > Large Outline Button</button>
This button has link styling
This button is a block
<button class= "btn btn-link" type= "button" > This button has link styling</button>
<button class= "btn btn-block" type= "button" > This button is a block</button>