You Will Need

Catalyst is available as an npm module @github/catalyst. To install into your project, use the command npm install @github/catalyst.


Catalyst has no strict dependencies, but it relies on TypeScript for decorator support, so you should also configure your project to use TypeScript. Read the TypeScript docs on how to set up TypeScript on a new project.


Catalyst uses modern browser standards, and so requires evergreen browsers or may require polyfilling native functionality in older browsers. You'll need to ensure the following features are available:

Please note this list may increase over time. Catalyst will never ship with polyfills that add missing browser functionality, but will continue to use the latest Web Standards, and so may require more polyfills as new releases come out.

Build considerations

When using build tools, some JavaScript minifiers modify the class name that Catalyst relies on. You know you have an issue if you encounter the error "c" is not a valid custom element name.

The preferred way to handle this is to disable renaming class names in your build tools.


When using ESBuild you can turn off all class and function name minification with the keep_names option. Setting this to true in your build will opt-out all classes and all functions from minification.

{ keep_names: true }
// Or --keep-names on the CLI


When using Terser you have a bit more control, and can explicitly opt just classes, or just certain class names out of minification. For example to opt-out class names that end with Element you can set the following config:

{ keep_classnames: /Element$/ }

It is also possible to set keep_classnames to true (or pass --keep-classnames to the CLI tool), which will opt-out all class names. You can read more about the minification options on Terser's docs


When using SWC you can use the keep_classnames option just like Terser. As SWC also handles Transpilation, you should be sure to enable native class syntax by specifiying target to at least es2016. Take a look at the SWC docs for more about compression options.

  "jsc": {
    "target": "es2016",
    "minify": {
      "compress": {
        "keep_classnames": true

Other alternatives

If your tool chain does not support opting out of minification, or if you would prefer to keep name minification on, you can instead selectively re-assign the name field to Catalyst controllers:

class UserList extends HTMLElement {
  static name = 'UserList'

TypeScript will need the useDefineForClassFields set to true for the above to work, alternatively you can use the following syntax with useDefineForClassFields kept off:

class UserList extends HTMLElement {
  static get name() { return 'UserList' }

You'll need to keep the class name either way. TypeScript decorators only support class declarations which require a name between class and extends. For example the following will be a SyntaxError:

class extends HTMLElement { // You can't do this!
  static name = 'UserList'