.table(data) Inputs
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.table(data) Inputs
= Plot.plot({
governmentHistogram marginLeft: 180,
y: {
insetTop: 5,
domain: governmentsByFrequencyDesc,
}marks: [
.barX(data, Plot.groupY({ x: "count" }, { y: "Government" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
regionHistogram marginLeft: 200,
y: {
insetTop: 5,
domain: regionsByFrequencyDesc,
}marks: [
.barX(data, Plot.groupY({ x: "count" }, { y: "Region" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
issuingAreaHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Issuing Area of Government",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
issuingAreaByRegionHistogram marginBottom: 90,
marginRight: 200,
x: {
tickRotate: -45
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Region",
marginRight: 200,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Issuing Area of Government" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
actionHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 150,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Action",
marginRight: 150,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
actionByRegionHistogram marginBottom: 110,
marginRight: 200,
x: {
tickRotate: -45
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Region",
marginRight: 200,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Action" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
statusHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Status",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
statusByRegionHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 200,
y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Region",
marginRight: 200,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Status" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
typeHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 150,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Type",
marginRight: 150,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
typeByRegionHistogram marginBottom: 110,
marginRight: 200,
x: {
tickRotate: -45
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Region",
marginRight: 200,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Type" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
modernizationHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Modernization",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
costHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Cost",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
sovereigntyHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Sovereignty",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
nationalIndustryHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Support for National Industry",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
transparencyHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Transparency",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= Plot.plot({
securityHistogram marginBottom: 50,
marginRight: 90,
x: {
tickRotate: -45,
tickFormat: "d",
}y: {
insetTop: 5,
}facet: {
datay: "Stated Objective: Security",
marginRight: 90,
}marks: [
Plot.barY(data, Plot.groupX({ y: "count" }, { x: "Date" })),
] })
= await FileAttachment("./data/OSS.Dataset.-.December.2022.v3.csv").csv({ typed: true }) data
= d3.rollups(data, v => v.length, d => d['Government'])
governmentsByFrequencyDesc .sort(([, a], [, b]) => d3.descending(a, b))
.map(([key]) => key)
= d3.rollups(data, v => v.length, d => d.Region)
regionsByFrequencyDesc .sort(([, a], [, b]) => d3.descending(a, b))
.map(([key]) => key)