You are reading the documentation for the Alpha version of Catalyst. The API and documentation is subject to change. The documentation for the stable version can be found here.


Catalyst Components automatically bind actions upon instantiation. Automatically as part of the connectedCallback, a component will search for any children with the data-action attribute, and bind events based on the value of this attribute. Any public method on a Controller can be bound to via data-action.

Remember! Actions are automatically bound using the @controller decorator. There's no extra JavaScript code needed.



    Greet Someone

import { controller, target } from "@github/catalyst"

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @target name: HTMLElement
  @target output: HTMLElement

  greetSomeone() {
    this.output.textContent =
      `Hello, ${}!`

Actions Syntax

The actions syntax follows a pattern of event:controller#method.

  • event must be the name of a DOM Event, e.g. click.
  • controller must be the name of a controller ascendant to the element.
  • method (optional) must be a public method attached to a controller's prototype. Static methods will not work.

If method is not supplied, it will default to handleEvent.

Some examples of Actions Syntax:

  • click:my-element#foo -> click events will call foo on my-element elements.
  • submit:my-element#foo -> submit events will call foo on my-element elements.
  • click:user-list -> click events will call handleEvent on user-list elements.
  • click:user-list# -> click events will call handleEvent on user-list elements.
  • click:top-header-user-profile# -> click events will call handleEvent on top-header-user-profile elements.
  • nav:keydown:user-list -> navigation:keydown events will call handleEvent on user-list elements.

Multiple Actions

Multiple actions can be bound to multiple events, methods, and controllers. For example:


      Greet Someone

Custom Events

A Controller may emit custom events, which may be listened to by other Controllers using the same Actions Syntax. There is no extra syntax needed for this. For example a lazy-loader Controller might dispatch a loaded event, once its contents are loaded, and other controllers can listen to this event:

<hover-card disabled>
  <lazy-loader data-url="/user/1" data-action="loaded:hover-card#enable">
import {controller} from '@github/catalyst'

class LazyLoader extends HTMLElement {

  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = await (await fetch(this.dataset.url)).text()
    this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('loaded'))


class HoverCard extends HTMLElement {

  enable() {
    this.disabled = false


Targets and "ShadowRoots"

Custom elements can create encapsulated DOM trees known as "Shadow" DOM. Catalyst actions support Shadow DOM by traversing the shadowRoot, if present, and also automatically watching shadowRoots for changes; auto-binding new elements as they are added.

What about without Decorators?

If you're using decorators, then the @controller decorator automatically handles binding of actions to a Controller.

If you're not using decorators, then you'll need to call bind(this) somewhere inside of connectedCallback().

import {bind} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {

Binding dynamically added actions

Catalyst automatically listens for elements that are dynamically injected into the DOM, and will bind any element's data-action attributes. It does this by calling listenForBind(controller.ownerDocument). If for some reason you need to observe other documents (such as mutations within an iframe), then you can call the listenForBind manually, passing a Node to listen to DOM mutations on.

import {listenForBind} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  @target iframe: HTMLIFrameElement

  connectedCallback() {
    // listenForBind(this.ownerDocument) is automatically called.
