You are reading the documentation for the Alpha version of Catalyst. The API and documentation is subject to change. The documentation for the stable version can be found here.

Your First Component

Catalyst's @controller decorator

Catalyst's @controller decorator lets you create Custom Elements with virtually no boilerplate, by automatically calling customElements.register, and by adding "Actions" and "Targets" features described later. Using TypeScript (with decorators support enabled), simply add @controller to the top of your class:

import {controller} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = 'Hello World!'

Catalyst will automatically convert the classes name so the HTML tag will be <hello-world>. It removes the trailing Element suffix and lowercases all capital letters, separating them with a dash.

Catalyst controllers can end in Element, Controller, or Component and Catalyst will remove this suffix when generating a tag name. Adding one of these suffixes is not required - just convention. All examples in this guide use Element suffixed names (see our convention note on this for more).

Remember! A class name must include at least two CamelCased words (not including the Element, Controller or Component suffix). One-word elements will raise exceptions. Example of good names: UserListElement, SubTaskController, PagerContainerComponent

What does @controller do?

The @controller decorator ties together the various other decorators within Catalyst, plus a few extra conveniences such as automatically registering the element, which saves you writing some boilerplate that you'd otherwise have to write by hand. Specifically the @controller decorator:

  • Derives a tag name based on your class name, removing the trailing Element suffix and lowercasing all capital letters, separating them with a dash.
  • Calls window.customElements.define with the newly derived tag name and your class.
  • Loads the attrable decorator, which provides the ability to define @attr decorators. See attrs for more on this.
  • Loads the actionable decorator, which provides the ability to bind actions. See actions for more on this.
  • Loads the targetable decorator, which provides Target querying. See targets for more on this.

You can do all of this manually; for example here's the above HelloWorldElement, written without the @controller annotation:

import {attrable, targetable, actionable} from '@github/catalyst'

class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {

The @controller decorator saves on having to write this boilerplate for each element.

What about without TypeScript Decorators?

If you don't want to use TypeScript decorators, you can use controller as a regular function by passing it to your class:

import {controller} from '@github/catalyst'

  class HelloWorldElement extends HTMLElement {